1. We have a STRICT POLICY that we allow no persons under the age of 16 unless accompanied by an adult.
2. At Festival of the Unexplained, we value our clients and aim to make as many of our events as accessible as possible this means that all venues will be disabled friendly.
3. Each person will act in an adult and responsible manner and will respect others. You will not cause harm or injury to anyone else or put yourself or anyone else in danger. You will respect the nature of the event and behave accordingly. When leaving the event please do this both quietly and quickly. We don’t want to wake the neighbours (if there are any).
4. Limited alcohol is permitted at Festival of the Unexplained. however If anyone appears to be heavily under the influence of either alcohol and/or drugs and/or is suspected of bringing either alcohol or drugs to the event they will be asked to leave immediately and will not be refunded for any part of monies paid for the event. The staff at Festival of the Unexplained will use their own discretion and have the ultimate decision to evict anyone whom they consider to be behaving in an inappropriate manner due to alcohol or drugs.
5. There are strict laws on smoking indoors and Festival of the Unexplained do not allow anyone to smoke indoors at any event. This also includes the use of candles and matches, written permission is required from Festival of the Unexplained prior to the event. There are designated smoking areas at each venue and these will be highlighted by a member of the team at the start of an event during our welcome meeting.
6. Unless stated there are to be no sleepover facilities at our events. Chairs and seating may not be available, therefore we ask that you check with us and we can advise if you are required to bring any seating with you.
7. Festival of the Unexplained will not be liable for any damage or loss to property and personal equipment either on the journey to the event, during the event and on the journey back home from the event. This includes any damage that may be caused by any spiritual or poltergeist activity during the event.
8. It is important that each person attends our events at their own risk. Festival of the Unexplained accept no liability for any accident/incident/injury to any person, however it may be caused. Festival of the Unexplained conducts risks assessments ahead of events to eliminate them beforehand. However, due to the nature of the events and locations accidents can and do still happen. We encourage all our clients to have their own third party public liability insurance. Although Festival of the Unexplained has its own public liability insurance some of our policies may not be covered due to the fact that some of the location boundaries are beyond the normal public access categories. We have first aiders on our team should anything happen and we will take the necessary precautions in order to keep our guests safe.
9. By accepting and agreeing with these terms and conditions you are further indemnifying the promoters/organisers/individuals from and against all legal liability in respect of any claims, damages, costs, penalties, actions, demands, proceedings, any kind of legal suits, losses or expenses amounted in respect of or arising out of the injury to or the death of any person, or persons, or damage to any property arising from the clients participation and involvement in the event or activity or premises pertaining to the event.
10. Festival of the Unexplained accepts no responsibility for any clothing, equipment, damage to vehicles, parking fines, clamping of vehicles. All property and effects belonging to you are your responsibility and we would urge you to protect your property and keep all said articles safe whilst attending the event.
11. There are occasions when events are cancelled due to circumstances beyond the control of Festival of the Unexplained. If these events are cancelled then you will be given a full refund of monies paid for the said event. However, if the event is rescheduled Festival of the Unexplained may set limitations on any refunds requested. We will endeavour to ensure that every client is made aware of a cancelled event as soon as possible.
12. Festival of the Unexplained only use responsible and reputable mediums and paranormal investigators. However, they can only offer you their own perspective and this should be considered when deciphering information. You are responsible for making your own decisions about what you are experiencing and act according to your own beliefs not the beliefs of others. Festival of the Unexplained recognise that statements are the sole opinion of the medium, host, or investigator and not a reflection of Festival of the Unexplained policies and opinions. There are no guarantees in relation to what is truth and what may be an offered opinion.
13. Any information that we may receive from you or that is requested by us in relation to names, addresses, email addresses or contact telephone numbers is sensitive and will not be used for any purposes other than to be incorporated into our database for Festival of the Unexplained only.
14. We endeavour to offer a psychic element to our events through the use of mediums & psychics, however there may be occasions where this is not possible. If you are booking your event on the basis of a Medium being present then please contact for clarification prior to completing your order.
15. Festival of the Unexplained hold all their events at locations that have demonstrated paranormal activity witnessed and recorded by ourselves and others. It is impossible to guarantee what activity may occur during an event. This may be minimal or very intense resulting in injury to yourself or your clothing due to paranormal activity. Festival of the Unexplained accepts no responsibility for whatever may occur as a result of any paranormal activity. It also accepts no responsibility if minimal or no activity is experienced on an event.
16. These terms and conditions are non-negotiable and your booking of an event demonstrates their acceptance by you, the client. These conditions and any contract into which they are incorporated shall be subject to English Law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England.
17. All mediums and stallholders must be in possession of their own Public Liability insurance. Failure to produce this will result in the stall/table being cancelled.
18. The use of cameras, filming and/or recording equipment is strictly prohibited at all of our events. All Media/Press requests must be in writing prior to the event.
We can cancel a Festival of the Unexplained event at any time for any reason at our own discretion. We can particularly cancel an event if not enough customers have booked to make in financially viable to operate. If we have to cancel, we will tell you as soon as reasonably possible. In these circumstances we will give you a full refund of any money paid to us or move your booking to another event of your choice (within reason) but we will have no other liability whatsoever to you. This does not include refunds on any hotel bookings or refunds on any travel arrangements or other costs incurred relating to the cancelled event.
It is your responsibility at the time of booking to ensure that you are able to make the event date as Festival of the Unexplained will not offer any refunds or transfer your places if you are unable to attend. Our locations are paid in advance and we are liable for these costs even if you cannot attend your chosen event.
All payments are non-refundable and non-transferable unless otherwise agreed by Festival of the Unexplained. As stated we offer no refunds on tickets purchased. Should any payment plan monies be paid we will not refund these payments should you cancel your ticket.
Deposit payment options are also non refundable and will secure your place/s on our event but the balance payment should be made no later than 30 days or the last working day of the following month. For all payment plan payments – we will request a quarter of the the final balance at time of booking and we will request that all 3 consecutive payments be made on or before the last working day of each month thereafter until the balance is paid. Please note that this is interest free however, should any payments be missed we will offer 7 days grace period after this date we will request via email that payment is to be received that day, should this payment not be received, we reserve the right to implement an administration fee of £25 for each email we send thereafter. If all balance payments are not received by the dates specified upon your booking email, Festival of the Unexplained have the right to re-sell your places and reserve the right to seek losses via the legal process.
Notification of filming
Please note that all of events are covered by photography and/or videography – therefore should you wish not to be photographed then please write to us at info@thefestivaloftheunexplained.com, should we not receive notification of this in writing, this will be deemed as your acceptance to be photographed and/or video for the promotional activities of The Festival of the Unexplained.
All tickets are non transferable unless written permission has been granted by Festival of the Unexplained.
We want all of our guests to enjoy our events and to feel safe, We therefore insist that you read and agree to the terms set out in this policy.
No behaviour will be tolerated that is disruptive or causes any upset on the event or to any of our other guests. Any behaviour deemed inappropriate will be dealt with swiftly and the person or people concerned will automatically be ejected from the venue regardless. Behaviour which includes abusive behaviour or an attitude that has a negative impact on other team members or guests.
We would be grateful if you could contact us as soon as possible to let us know if you are unable to attend an event, even if it is on the day of event so that we are aware that you will not be arriving.
Exhibitor Terms & Conditions
This document details the Agreement between Festival of the Unexplained (the organiser) and any company, individual, partnership or organisation (the exhibitor) that participates in any Festival of the Unexplained Event. These Terms and Conditions apply to the exclusion of any others unless expressly agreed in writing.
1. Bookings
The submitted contract for an event becomes legally binding when the organiser acknowledges receipt of payment for an event from an exhibitor.
The application form for each event must state clearly the nature of all goods and services to be promoted at the event. Only those goods and services entered on the application form may be displayed.
Exhibitor spaces are sold to ensure the even provision of services at events. When booking, please be descriptive of your main product and/or service type. If items or services outside your description are found to be sold or offered on your stand during an event, you will be asked to remove them. This is to provide a well-balanced array of stalls and makes it fair on all exhibitors.
In the event that an exhibitor wishes to alter the listed goods and services between the time of booking and the event itself, they must notify the organiser in writing. Permission to display additional goods and services may be given at the sole discretion of the organiser.
Under no circumstances must a stand be sublet, shared or transferred without the prior consent of the organiser. All requests must be made in writing. The exhibitor is still liable for the full price of the stand to be paid to Festival of the Unexplained. The exhibitor is responsible for collecting any owed money from companies who sublet, share or transfer to/on their stand.
The organiser reserves the right to decline an application to exhibit if, in their opinion, it is deemed unsuitable for the event or if they already have an exhibitor offering those products/services.
2. Entitlements
Table sizes, location and allocation of exhibitor spaces cannot be guaranteed. In some instances, exhibitors are requested to bring their own tables. Please refer to the individual Event Information pages for details. The space allocated to you does not include aisle space. Displays must not be placed anywhere other than within the perimeter of your allocated space.
At an event, canvassing of visitors is not permitted beyond the perimeter of each exhibitor’s designated space as to make it fair on all stallholders.
Exhibitors must not block the front of a neighbouring stand with their displays nor arrange their stand in such manner as to cause the public to block the aisle in front of it , or any adjacent stand as this could be a health and safety risk.
3. Individual Event Information
Detailed information on scheduled arrival and departure times will be set out on booking form as stallholders with be expected to have stall set out from and until time designated timings, and all other operational information related to each event, such as car parking, will be published on the individual Event Information page on the booking form. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to read and understand the Event Information page, prior to each event they attend.
4. Insurance
• Are responsible for the safety of their stalls.
• Must have their own Public Liability and Indemnity insurance for any service they are offering at the event as well as insurance cover for their own stock, staff and equipment.
• Are required to act in accordance with UK Law and to insure themselves against any claims that may arise in connection with any product or service that they offer.
• Must be aware of any current change in legislation that affects their activities and to comply with such legislation.
The organiser, the venue’s management, official contractors and Local Authority cannot accept any liability for any loss or damage to exhibitors’ property sustained from any cause whatsoever.
However, it is essential for exhibitors to report immediately to the organiser any loss sustained. The organiser accepts no responsibility for exhibitors’ goods left at a venue, overnight, or during a multi-day event, at the end of an event.
The organiser accepts no responsibility for the failure of any exhibitor to arrange the required insurance cover.
5. Health and Safety
Set-up and breakdown of tables and therapy beds must only take place during the allocated times given in the Event Information pack. Exhibitors are not permitted to set up or dismantle their tables or move merchandise within the building while is it open to the public. Specifically, exhibitors must not commence breakdown at the end of an event before the public have vacated the hall.
Children under 16 are not permitted to be in the venue during set-up or close-down. The presence of such children would negate the insurance cover of all parties present at the time and must be absolutely avoided.
Exhibitors must not cause any aisle or emergency exit to be blocked in any way by their goods, displays or staff. In case of any dispute, the decision of the duty fire officer is final.
Exhibitors must not bring explosives, dangerous or harmful substances into the event. No naked flames or fireworks are allowed, and any item or device deemed unsafe by the duty fire officer will be removed by the organisers or the fire officer.
Exhibitors must seek the permission of the venue (via the organiser) should they wish to bring any animal into the event, only animal permitted would be a service dog.
While on site, the designated Health & Safety officer has final say on any issues of Health and Safety, and all exhibitors must adhere to their guidance.
Exhibitors should note the specific fire evacuation procedures that apply to each event venue.
Plug points are normally available but cannot be guaranteed. You are required to supply your own extension leads and adapters. All cables must be secured and taped down to prevent accidents and the organisers cannot accept responsibility for liability incurred from exhibitors’ trailing cables. All cables and electrical equipment must be in good condition and PAT tested.
6. Photography
Any images of participants taken by the official festival photographer remain the property of the organiser, and the organiser reserves the right to use any such images to promote future events. Exhibitors may not take photographs or video footage without the consent of the organiser.
7. Admission
The organiser reserves the right to refuse admission to any member of the public or any exhibitor staff member, exhibitors are only permitted to have two members of staff per stall. Exhibitors will not automatically have access to any workshops, presentations being given, the organiser must receive additional payment from exhibitor for each of their staff members to gain access.
8. Noise Levels
Exhibitors must ensure that CD/iPods, videos, televisions and any other sounds emanating from their stands are kept to a level that does not cause disturbance to other exhibitors or to performers. In case of dispute, the organiser’s decision is final. No voice amplifiers are to be used by any exhibitor.
9. Code of Conduct
Whilst participating in an event, exhibitors must not conduct their business in a manner that could bring the reputation or integrity of the event into disrepute. The organiser reserves the right to stop or remove any act, display item or person deemed to be inappropriate or to be detrimental to its interests.
Exhibitors are responsible for any damage caused to the fabric of the venue by their activities while participating in the event.
Exhibitors are responsible for their own waste material left behind at the end of the event. Any costs incurred by the venue in the specific disposal of such materials will be passed on to the exhibitor.
Any exhibitor who makes defamatory remarks about the organiser or its staff will be removed from an event, banned from attending all future events, either as an exhibitor or member of the public. This includes online malicious communication and comments on social media. In such cases, the exhibitor will not be due a refund for any event they would have booked.
10. Minors
No psychic readings or holistic healing or therapy is to be provided for any persons under the age of 18 years of age. If you are in doubt, please ask for proof of age.
11. Charging
We require all Psychic Mediums, Readers, Therapists and Healers to display their prices on their table and have set a minimum charge of £25 for a psychic reading and £20 for a therapy or holistic healing. If an exhibitor wishes to charge less, this can be arranged in advance, at the discretion of, and with the agreement of, the organiser.
12. Advertising
The organisers would like to bring as many visitors as possible into the events so would ask that exhibitors advertise any events they are attending on their own websites and social media so that we can promote our events as widely as possible. We are happy to add your links to our site if you are attending our events.
13. Cancellations and postponements of Events and Bookings
The organisers reserve the right at any time to change the date and/or venue of the event or to cancel it altogether if they deem it necessary by reason of fire, flood, extreme weather conditions, acts of war (whether declared or not) or violence, malicious damage, explosion, earthquake, strike, civil disturbances, political unrest, riot, labour dispute, power cuts, pandemic, epidemic, staff illness, government directive, recommendation or legislation or any other cause beyond the organiser’s control; or if the organiser for any other reason deems it necessary or advisable. In such cases, the exhibitor waives any and all claims they might have against the organiser for refunds, damages or expenses.
In the event that the event is cancelled by the organiser for commercial reasons such as lack of support then all sums paid by the exhibitor for the stand will be refunded. The exhibitor agrees that under these circumstances he will have no further claims against the organiser. The definition of such events is solely at our discretion.
For non-attendance at events, exhibitor booking fees cannot be refunded or transferred to another event.
If the organiser has been forced to postpone an event by the venue or by government legislation, or by policy of the venue, or through any other circumstance beyond the organiser’s control, the organiser will move the event to a future date and exhibitors who have already booked will automatically be moved to the new date.
If exhibitors cannot attend the new date, they are entitled to a refund, which they must apply for in writing, to the organiser, when the new date is announced, and no longer than two weeks after the date of announcement. If such a refund were given, exhibitors will not be permitted, later, to re-book the same event.
If a transfer to a new date is requested by the exhibitor, the organiser will do their best to transfer their spaces to a suitable time and date, but this is not a guarantee, exhibitors will not be transferred from a one day event to our weekend event under any circumstances. If a transfer then takes place, the exhibitor is not permitted a refund thereafter.
14. Speakers
The organisers run workshops and talks at some events. Invitations to exhibitors and others to deliver a talk or workshop are given solely at the discretion of the organiser.
Speaker line up at any of our events are subject to change at any time
15. Data Protection Regulations
All exhibitors give their express consent for Festival of the Unexplained, Karen Fray or Jolene Jackson-Lockwood, to contact them with information about future shows and existing arrangements by email, on social media, whatsapp or by text message.
16. Disclaimer
Information is given by the organiser in good faith and to the best of their knowledge about any event. Any subsequent changes cannot be taken as cause to cancel the booking, likewise no omission or error on the part of the organiser can be held against them.
The organiser reserves the right to alter the overall layout of the event, if necessary, which in turn, may affect the location and dimensions of individual stands. In the event that re-allocation of space is necessary for any reason, the organiser will undertake as far as possible to allocate the closest equivalent space. This eventuality does not constitute a violation of the contract and does not permit the exhibitor to demand a refund.
The organiser will act at all times in the best interests of the event and in doing so may from time to time alter the details of these terms and conditions if required.
In the case of any breach of these Terms and Conditions, the organiser reserves the right to remove items or people from the event and/or revoke the contract without prejudice to the right to recover any monies owed to the organiser.
These Terms and Conditions can be changed by the organiser, at their sole discretion, at any time.